Aditya Chichani is a Senior Data Scientist at Walmart, focusing on search ranking and intent understanding. He completed his Master’s at UC Berkeley with the Fung Excellence Scholarship, and is a reviewer for top IR workshops and conferences including SIGIR and CIKM.

Dr. Surya Kallumadi is a Director of Applied Research at Lowe’s, with a focus on core search, recommendations, and personalization. In the past, he has worked with Data Science teams at Home Depot, Flipkart, and eBay in Search and Query understanding. Surya has organized multiple workshops at conferences such as SIGIR, ACL, and IJCAI.

Dr. Tracy Holloway King is a Senior Principal Scientist at Adobe’s Sensei (AI) and Search team, focusing on search science. After getting her Ph.D. at Stanford, she was a researcher in PARC. She then moved to applied science roles at Microsoft Bing, eBay Search Science, and Amazon Query Understanding. She has co-organized workshops at ACL, COLING, and SIGIR.

Dr. Andrei Lopatenko has over two decades of experience building large-scale AI systems, focusing on search, recommendation, and personalization engines at Google, Apple, Walmart, eBay, and Zillow. At Zillow, he was VP of Engineering and AI, leading teams specializing in AI search and recommendation. Dr. Lopatenko earned his PhD from the University of Manchester, UK.